Image Credit: Woop Woop Terminal, Photography by JJ Smith.
Liquid Architecture 13: Antarctic Convergence is now in Melbourne! After a wonderful two nights of Concerts in Perth, Artist Talks, Workshop and Performances in Bendigo, we are launching our Melbourne Program TONIGHT at West Space Gallery, Melbourne. We hope that you can join us at the exhibition opening of Antarctic Convergence which runs until 14 July. Followed by the launch are two nights of Performance Concerts at Arts House, North Melbourne Town Hall, and a series of Artist Talks, Live Gallery Performances and Installations.
Early birds to arrive at festival concerts events this year will receive a free copy of the very limited and wondrous Liquid Architecture 13: Antarctic Convergence Audio CD.
In this edition we bring you two Artist profiles for David Burrows and Andrea Juan, both of whom have spectacular works in the West Space gallery show. Get geared up for the rest of the East Coast tour next week, with Sydney and Brisbane next on the touring schedule.
With love, the 2012 Liquid Architecture Team.
Image Credit: David Burrows, Scenes from the ASPA #1, 2012, Inkjet print on Archival Silver Rag, 52x22cm/Edition of 5
David Burrows is an installation artist whose work centers on the use of light as a sculptural form. His installations tend to be immersive and minimalist in nature, often presenting the phenomenon of light in passage behaving as a volume and in doing so transforming banal urban structures into enigmatic sources of fascination. Burrows was the first Australian to complete the two year program at the esteemed French institute Le Fresnoy National Studio for Contemporary Art. Following on from this he was awarded a residency at the Cite International des Arts in Paris by the French Ministry of Culture between 2007 to 2009, where he completed several new works as well as a commission overseen by Le Laboratoire to create a collaborative work. In 2010 Burrows was awarded an Australian Antarctic Division Arts Fellowship to document icebergs at the Casey Station.
From our THREE QUESTIONS SERIES, Joel Stern talks to David Burrows about the monumental and the intimate:
STERN: "Your work seems to think through questions and problems of scale, playing with relative notions of smallness and vastness in depictions of both the monumental and the intimate. I think of Antarctica as a kind of ultimate zero zone for scale. It's immeasurably huge, but also in a way empty of the reference frames that we'd normally use to bound an idea of scale. How does Antarctica connect with your ideas about scale?
BURROWS: "The work I am presenting in the Liquid Architecture show at West Space is a direct response to the colliding impressions of scale offered by Antarctica. The moss beds behind Casey are old and miraculous. Green vegetation is an extremely rare occurrence down there. These moss beds are in fact the equivalent of the Daintree of Antarctica. Some of the cultures there are over 100 years old. Their age is relevant for contemporary science because as living matter dependent on cycles of melt and sunlight they contain records of climatic conditions over those years, much like the rings of a tree. When I saw these moss beds I was pulled into them as a child would be drawn into a miniature world. They where intimate hidden areas of wonder and marvel. To do justice to this I decided to try to capture them as magnificent monumental landscapes. I wanted to create photos that confront the viewer’s expectations of the images from Antarctica. Imagine a series of landscape photos from the mainland without snow, ice or penguins but rather of green valleys, forests and mountains abundant in strange primordial vegetation. Are these photos of vast panoramic landscapes or are they windows into a micro world. Are these scenes from a Gondwanan past or are they a possible future? Are they real or constructed? Can a photo ever actually present an objective reality? The intention behind these images is to play with ambiguities inherent in expectations of scale, place, time and photography. Most importantly I want to invite the viewer into the childlike sense of wonder I felt as I approached this fantastic world.
David will present a series of photographic works in the West Space exhibition Antarctic Convergence, in Melbourne.
Find out more about this artist:
Festival Artist Profile See Program of Events
RAndrea Juan works with photography, digital video, graphic art and installations, exhibiting her works internationally and curating group and solo exhibitions. Since 2004 she has carried out performances and video installations in Antarctica based on scientist investigations related to climate changes. Her publications include the 2004 Getting Over, followed by Antarctica Project in 2006 and Polar South in 2008. Juan has received the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, twice the Canadian Studies Faculties Research Program Grant and a UNESCO Award. Juan is currently the Head of Cultural Projects for National Antarctic Affairs of Argentine Chancellery and Professor of Visual Art at National University of Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires.
Andrea will present the work in the West Space exhibition Antarctic Convergence, in Melbourne in the White Heat: Sur Polar exhibition at the Brisbane Powerhouse.
Find out more about this artist:
Festival Artist Profile See Program of Events
Major Supporters
In 2012 Liquid Architecture is supported by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, Arts Victoria and City of Melbourne.
All 2012 Partners and Supporters can be found at
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