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Codec Cinema 004 [sound vs. vision]
8.00pm Saturday July 12, Cinema 2 Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Federation Square, $15/$10 Concession
Codec Cinema explores the live interaction of sound and vision. New Media artists from different streams of practice - Vjing, net.art, animation, installation, sound design, noise and music ranging from musique concréte to synth-pop - are invited to form new partnerships in the production of original works, which are then performed live. By creating a dedicated performance space in which the audience can be completely immersed in the audiovisual experience, Codec Cinema offers a unique opportunity for these artists to explore the subtle expressive potential of their chosen media. This encourages artists to take creative risks, and to push the boundaries of their practice, in order to adapt their individual practices to a live, collaborative format. This will be the fourth in an ongoing series. Featuring performances by:
Casey Rice [video] vs. QUA, being Cornel Wilczek [sound]
Curated by
Andrew Barrie
and James Cecil
Cicada, being Kirsten Bradley and Nick Ritar [video] vs. James Wilkinson [sound]
Geoff Robinson [video] vs. Andrew Barrie + James Cecil [sound]
Cassandra Tytler [video] vs. Phillip Pietruschka [sound] + Tim Catlin [guitar]
Sally Golding + Pia Borg [video] vs. Joel Stern [sound] + Alison Blunt [violin]
also featuring Scott Arford's Static Room [audiovisual]